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Upcoming Events

Gospels for Our Times: A New Translation Inviting Dialogue and Tolerance

Apr 19, 2021
An online book launch and discussion with Sarah Ruden and David Rosenberg

Author and translator Sarah Ruden will read from her latest book, The Gospels: A New Translation (Penguin/Random House, 2021), followed by… Learn More

Pendle Hill’s Reading Group (May)

May 12, 2021
Hosted by Janaki Spickard Keeler

Our newly-formed reading group focuses on a mix of Pendle Hill pamphlets and other Quaker materials, gathering monthly to consider… Learn More

Jesus: History, Theology, and Evolution

Apr 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 2021
A four-week virtual lecture series with John Dominic Crossan

  Due to intellectual property and copyright limitations, these lectures will only be available live via Zoom. They will not… Learn More

Continuing Revolution 2021 Online: Love in Hope, Grief, Rage, and Action

Jun 4-8, 2021
An annual conference for young adults, ages 18-35.

NB: Registration deadline for Continuing Revolution 2021 is 9am, Thurs., June 3rd. Do you find yourself… Needing space to grieve… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31