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Upcoming Events

Interfaith Solidarity Arts Picnic

May 4, 2019
In association with “The Arts of Peace and Justice,” a national project of the Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts

Calling people of all faiths and ages to join us in an arts picnic, where we can celebrate joyfully our… Learn More

Confronting the Role of Antisemitism in Preserving Power Structures

Mar 4, 2019
A talk by Rabbi Mordechai Liebling

Antisemitism has been used for centuries to divert the anger of oppressed people from the powerful elite and towards Jews…. Learn More

Answering the Call: Artist’s Talk

Feb 24, 2019
Asake Denise Foye Jones

Asake writes: “This body of work is guided by a spiritual urging/voice and creative exploration. It’s a letting go of… Learn More

Answering the Call: Art Quilts and Mixed Media

Feb 24 - May 9, 2019
An exhibit of works by Asake Denise Foye Jones

ARTIST’S STATEMENT: “This body of work is guided by a spiritual urging/voice and creative exploration. It’s a letting go of… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31