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Painting the Poetry of Shadows

Feb 18, 2017

Jesse White
9:30am - 4:00pm

$109, includes lunch.

Registration deadline: February 11, 2017.

** NB: No overnight accommodations accompany this reservation. **

Call Us for More Information!

610-566-4507, ext. 137

Painting the Poetry of ShadowsSunshine
resting gently
on leaves
of yellow, of red
does not judge
the tree
for standing
in its own shadow.

© Jesse White, 2016


How do you face your shadows? Do you know how to shine Love and Light when things feel dark? Painting and writing poetry can be healing and nourishing spiritual practices to reveal our shadows so they can no longer haunt us. The canvas or the blank page provides a safe world for moving through what hurts. I invite you to be held in a community of creators as we shift into our shadows creatively. We will begin a dialogue with our images, with past and with present. Our goals for the day will be to express, to converse with, and to quiet a shadow memory. We will learn tools for self-expression, healing and self-care including grounding and self-soothing techniques. Come prepared to hold a safe space with others wrestling with wounds and ready to face their shadows. Painters, poets and creative folks of all levels of experience are invited to participate.

Please note: The facilitator asks that you bring a journal and a favorite pen.


Jesse White is the Arts and Spirituality Coordinator at Pendle Hill. She holds a B.A. in Integrative Studies: Creative and Spiritual Process joined with a B.A. in Psychology from Guilford College. Jesse works as an arts educator and art therapist and directs Pigeon Arts, a cathartic art-making organization in Philadelphia. She is a member of Frankford Friends Meeting (PA).

Click to view the Winter-into-Spring 2017 Arts & Spirituality Bulletin.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill.