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Pendle Hill’s Reading Group (October)

Online: Oct 16, 2024

Worship sharing on Paul Buckley’s "Quaker Testimony: What We Witness to the World" (PHP #481).
7:00-8:30pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) via Zoom.

Free and open to the public!

Call us for more information!

610-566-4507, ext. 137

Our Reading Group focuses on Pendle Hill pamphlets and other Quaker readings, gathering to consider queries about the reading in a spirit of worship sharing.

This month, we will read Paul Buckley’s recent Pendle Hill pamphlet, Quaker Testimony: What We Witness to the World (PHP #481), exploring how Friends can testify to the world in the present moment. You can purchase copies of this popular publication at the following links:

PH pamphlet (printed edition)
Amazon Kindle (e-book)

Thanks to the generous support of the Friends Foundation for the Aging, we’re able to make this and other free, online programs accessible to f/Friends of all ages.


Janaki Spickard KeelerJanaki Spickard Keeler, M.S.S., L.C.S.W. is a life-long Quaker, writer, and family therapist. She has a masters degree in social work from Bryn Mawr College and did her undergraduate study at Smith College in political science and mathematics. As a clinical social worker, she unites writing with sacred change, helping people re-author the narratives of their lives in a direction that better fits their deep truths.

Janaki stewards the Pendle Hill Pamphlets series of essays on Quaker perspectives on contemporary themes, serves her yearly meeting as coordinator of the Friends Counseling Service, and blogs occasionally at The Quietest Quaker. She is a member of Chestnut Hill Monthly Meeting (PYM).

Travel directions to Pendle Hill. Please make sure to review our health and safety expectations at