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Publishers of the Truth

On Campus: May 2-5, 2025

A collaboration of Pendle Hill's Quaker Institute and the Quaker Leadership Conference to explore how Friends witness and publish the truth with integrity, in an age of fractured political realities, disinformation, and artificial intelligence.
The program begins with a registration window from 4:30-6:00pm on the opening day and ends with lunch from 12pm-1pm on the closing day.

On Campus Registration  |  Commuter Registration

If you are seeking funds or alternate payment options to participate in this program, please wait to register and first complete our Financial Assistance Application.

In an age of fractured political and theological realities and an evolving media landscape, how do Friends witness and communicate the T/truth with integrity? How can this work be done collectively, bridging different worldviews among Friends? How do we create meetings that are invitational and capacious (able to contain multitudes of perspectives), while still uniting around specific T/truths?

This collaboration between the Earlham Quaker Leadership Center and Pendle Hill invites Friends into this conversation, believing our answers will be found through building relationships and listening to the Divine Teacher in each other.

We will share worship, meals, music, laughter, and learning through plenary sessions and workshops. Approaching Truth through the lens of continuing revelation, the sessions and workshops will center the voices of emerging leaders in the Quaker world, held by elders in a spirit of care.

While the workshops are in development, we are excited to announce our two plenary panels:

  1. Publishing Truth within Quaker Meetings: How do we lean into sharing differing T/truths with each other, arriving at a sense of the Meeting, and holding the complexities of our continued differences?
  1. Publishing Truth in the Wider World: Do our Meetings make specific collective commitments to publication of T/truth in the wider world? What T/truths do we choose to publicize?  How do we navigate the creative tension between localism and international engagement?

Schedule  |  Leader Bios  |  Event Flyer


Quaker Leadership Center logoThe Quaker Leadership Center (QLC) was launched in 2022 by Earlham School of Religion in Richmond, Indiana. In a time of rapid cultural and congregational change, QLC equips Quaker leaders to faithfully adapt by:


  • Cultivating new connections among diverse Quaker expressions;
  • Collaborating with existing partners to revitalize leaders and their ministry contexts;
  • Curating relevant resources from the wider world of faith and leadership;
  • Convening conversations about common concerns and new possibilities;
  • Creating spaces where leaders find their path to ministry and groups discern their vital futures; and
  • Companioning leaders and like-minded Friends as they incubate new ministries.



Lauren Brownlee and Windy Cooler


Aaron Fowler & Laura Dungan, Andy Stanton-Henry, Alicia McBride, Francisco Burgos, Katie Breslin, Lucas Meyer-Lee, Matt Rosen, NiaDwynwen Thomas, Walid Morsarsaa

Resident Friends and Scholars

Deborah Cooper, John Muhanji, Peter Blood-Patterson

Cancellation Policy  |  Travel Directions  |  COVID-19 Information