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Seeds that Change the World

Feb 25, 2018

A book talk and signing with Debbie Humphries
1:00pm-3:00pm in Main House Reading Room
Free and open to the public!

Books available for sale and signing after the talk.

Traveling Quaker minister Debbie Humphries shares insights from her years of traveling among Friends contained in her new book, Seeds that Change the World: Essays on Quakerism, Spirituality, Faith and Culture. Books will be available for purchase and signing after the talk.

About the Author

"Seeds that Change the World" (book cover)Debbie Humphries came to Quakerism in the early 1990s after growing up Mormon. Debbie has travelled in the ministry among Quakers since 2004 under the care of Hartford Monthly Meeting, carrying a concern for the spiritual health and vitality of the Religious Society of Friends. Debbie teaches at the Yale School of Public Health and conducts research on public health nutrition, nutrition and infectious disease, and community health, both within the United States and internationally.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill.