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Who Do You Say I Am?

By Lloyd Lee Wilson

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #409 (2010)

Price: $7.50


Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Today many of Jesus’ followers still seek to answer that question—in contemplation and prayer, in study, in Spirit-led service, in conversations with one another, and in searching their own hearts and souls. Lloyd Lee Wilson offers his own response, which arises from years of engaging with the question through his Quaker faith. This pamphlet invites readers to meet Jesus as Lloyd Lee has come to know Him, and to further explore for themselves, “Who do you say I am?”

About the Author(s)

Lloyd Lee Wilson is a recorded minister of the gospel in Rich Square Monthly Meeting, North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative).  His publications include Essays on the Quaker Vision of Gospel Order, Wrestling with Our Faith Tradition, Holy Surrender, and numerous contributions to Friends Journal, Quaker Life, Quaker Theology, and The Journal of North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative). His message is that “Christ has come to teach His people Himself.”

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #409

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Weight 2.3 oz