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The Word Within: Essays on Prophetic Quaker Faith

By Patricia Dallmann

Paperback: 84 pages
Publisher: Foundation Publications (March 27, 2010)
Product Dimensions: 7.3 x 5.2 x 0.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.7 ounces
Condition: New

Price: $17.99


The substance of these essays has… little to do with any particular theological view, being rather an existential analysis of and prophetic advocacy for the experience of our creature-hood exposed to the glory of God. From one angle or another, all these essays encourage us (1) to accept the profound inadequacy of our natural resources to meet our spiritual needs and (2) to understand ourselves as called to participation in the empowering otherness of the divine.

The most basic fact of human nature, Dallmann reminds us, is that we are self-transcending beings groping blindly within the disaster of lives centered on ephemeral human selfhood.” –from the introduction by Wood Bouldin