Tree Room Gallery.
Artist's Talk & Reception: September 8, 2019, 2-4pm.
Pictured: "Rocks Number 1" (c) Lynn Lampman
Sep 8, 2019 - Jan 2, 2020
“Our world is filled with color, pattern, and texture.
Every day, everywhere, a feast is REVEALED to us.
It waits to be RECEIVED and RELEASED back into the world.The process of making art is therapy for me. Art allows me to delve into my own psyche and history, and to explore current political and social issues.
In 2018, I drew the word “given” from a pile of cards each containing a Biblical word, as is the New Year tradition of our church. Since then, I have spent many months thinking about this word and making art to illustrate life’s givens, and in particular my life’s givens (that may not be all that different than your givens) using the givens of 8”x10” photographs I take. What in life must stay the same? What can be changed? Can the given be rearranged?My art is a summary of a conversation, and it is my invitation to you to join the conversation.” ~ Lynn Lampman
Lynn Lampman‘s formal training comes from courses at Moore College of Art, workshops at Main Line Art Center, and Pendle Hill Retreat Center with Melanie Weidner, and area photographers Sharon Gunther, Owen Biddle, and John Benigno. She also received informal training through lessons learned from her mother, Marge Lampman, a painter and quilter, and her father, Russ Lampman, an electrical engineer and a born problem-solver.
Travel directions to Pendle Hill. Click to view the flyer.