$14, includes refreshments.
Image: "Beloved Community" (c) Silk Oak
Feb 2, 2020
Whether you are a poet with poems to share, or an appreciative listener, you are invited to join us on Sunday afternoons from 2-4pm for our Poetry Coffeehouse. The theme of the education program this year is “Creating Beloved Community,” and you might consider that theme and its many possibilities as you write your way to new openings and possibilities. Open mic format.
Jesse White is the Arts and Spirituality Coordinator at Pendle Hill. She holds a B.A. in Integrative Studies: Creative and Spiritual Process joined with a B.A. in Psychology from Guilford College. Jesse works as an arts educator and art therapist and directs Pigeon Arts, a cathartic art-making organization in Philadelphia. She is a member of Frankford Friends Meeting (PA).
Travel directions to Pendle Hill.