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A Letter to Pendle Hill from Melissa Bennett, after 10 Years on Staff

Dear Pendle Hill Community, 

In my work the last ten years, I have gotten to know so many of you that it made sense to share: with an immense amount of gratitude and love, I plan to leave Pendle Hill at the end of summer 2024.  In 2014, I joined the Pendle Hill staff with the intention of “only being here for a year” as our family made the transition to living in Pennsylvania.  Ten years later and it has been a joy to, at some capacity, work in or with every department on campus and our excellent staff throughout the years.  

This place has been an important community for me and that includes so many of you!  Even in challenging times, I’ve felt grounded by the historic legacy and forward vision sustained by the community that makes Pendle Hill so special. Thank you for the heart you bring to the world around you and the ways you have discerned, listened, explored, shared, challenged, and loved here in the ecosystem that is Pendle Hill. I look forward to joining you and continuing my support of this special place as a part of the wider community.  

Pendle Hill’s vision since 2012 has been “to create peace with justice in the world by transforming lives.” The gift of this holy experiment in learning is that together or apart, we can continue in this common vision. May it be so.  


Melissa Bennett 
