$405/shared room; $495/private room; $285/commuter
Scholarships are available! If you are seeking financial assistance to participate in this program, call 610-566-4507, ext. 137. Do NOT register online.
Jun 23-25, 2017
Call Us for More Information!
610-566-4507, ext. 137
Perhaps you haven’t examined your Quaker faith and practice in depth since Quakerism 101 or an Inquirers’ class. Maybe you’ve been in community with Quakers for years as a member or attender. Time for a “12,000 mile” tune-up? If you want to refresh your knowledge of the Quaker world (past and present) and gain fresh insight for your ongoing spiritual journey, join Ben and Deborah for a mix of teaching and retreat sessions.
Ben Pink Dandelion works at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre and directs the Centre for Postgraduate Quaker Studies at the University of Birmingham. His writings on Quakerism include both academic and devotional works.
Deborah Shaw is assistant director of Friends Center and director of the Quaker Leadership Scholars Program at Guilford College. A recorded minister of Friendship Friends Meeting in Greensboro (NC), North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative), she served that yearly meeting and the Pendle Hill Board as clerk.
Travel directions to Pendle Hill. FAQs about Short-Term Education Programs (please read before calling). Click to view the flyer.