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Dreaming at the Well: Somatic Movement, Visioning, and Mark-Making

Oct 26, 2019

An Arts & Spirituality workshop with Lee Nussbaum Fogel
9:30am - 4pm in the Art Studio.

$100, includes materials and lunch.

Call Us for More Information!

610-566-4507, ext. 137

NB: This workshop is AT CAPACITY. If you wish to register, please call the Registration Office at ext. 137 to be placed on the waiting list.

Reconnect with your deep well of nourishment and awaken to the next phase of your right life. This interdisciplinary workshop offers spacious balance of somatic instruction, creative ritual, personalized guidance, community building, and time to rest and integrate.

Through her original method of Somatic Visioning, Lee will facilitate a deep dive into your body as a resource for vital living. We will draw, move, write, and do object-based dream work as entry points to discovering your inner wisdom. You’ll learn ways to honor the visions and insights that emerge, allowing them to sustain and inspire you in life and work.

"Dreaming at the Well" workshop with Lee Nussbaum Fogel


Lee Nussbaum Fogel, MA, RSME/T, is a somatic movement educator and therapist, Reiki practitioner, and interdisciplinary artist inspiring people to live according to their body’s wisdom. She is the director and founder of The Visioning Body, a board member of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association, and a teaching artist of over 15 years. Lee has an MA in Dance and Somatic Wellbeing from the University of Central Lancashire, and a BA in Dance/Visual Arts from Oberlin College. Her Quaker primary education continues to influence her today as she teaches clients embodied ways to honor their Inner Light. Learn more about Lee at

Financial aid may be available. If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, click to review and complete our Financial Assistance Application and a Pendle Hill staff member will follow-up with you shortly (please do NOT register online). Thank you for your interest.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill. FAQs about Short-Term Education Programs (please read before calling). Click to view the flyer.


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