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Reclaiming Our Stories: Exploring LGBTQ-Friendly Bible Stories

Mar 2-4, 2018

Peterson Toscano
Made possible by a grant from the Bible Association of Friends in America.

$180/private room; $150/shared room; $100/commuter.

(Friday evening through Sunday noon.)

If you are seeking financial assistance to participate in this program, please click on the link for our Financial Assistance Application form, below. Do NOT register online.

Call Us for More Information!

610-566-4507, ext. 137

Financial aid may be available. If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, click to review and complete our Financial Assistance Application and a Pendle Hill staff member will follow-up with you shortly (please do NOT register online). Thank you for your interest.

Join performance artist and Bible scholar Peterson Toscano for a weekend workshop exploring gender and sexuality in Bible stories. While the Bible has been used by some to harm others, there are potential peaceful interpretations of the ancient texts, including those that support LGBTQ lives. Using a variety of methods, traditional and creative, participants will study, discuss, and explore Bible stories. In order to disrupt, trouble, and undermine the negative influence of anti-LGBTQ readings of the text, workshop participants will unearth sexual and gender minorities in Bible stories. Through thoughtful and playful exercises and discussions, these stories and characters will come to life.


Peterson ToscanoPeterson Toscano‘s unique personal journey led him to performance art. After spending 17 years and over $30,000 on three continents attempting to de-gay himself through gay conversion therapy, he came to his senses and came out a quirky queer Quaker concerned with human rights and comedy. He asks himself and his audiences unusual questions: Who are the gender outlaws in the Bible? What is a queer response to climate change? How can comedy help us better understand our most tragic losses? Peterson created Transfigurations—Transgressing Gender in the Bible, a performance lecture that reveals gender non-conforming characters. He uses theater, comedy, and storytelling to explore gender, LGBTQ issues, privilege, religion, and climate change. A skilled facilitator, he helps workshop participants dig deep into a topic while having fun. He lives in Sunbury, PA with his partner, South African author, Glen Retief. For more information, visit

Travel directions to Pendle Hill. FAQs about Short-Term Education Programs (please read before calling). Click to view the flyer.