7:30pm-9:00pm in the Barn.
Live streaming is available to registrants.
Sep 3, 2018
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610-566-4507, ext. 137
We are living at an evolutionary juncture in which we are choosing our destiny as a species, and the future that we create will arise from the consciousness we hold.
The crises we now collectively face — potentially catastrophic climate change, a globalized economy controlled by a global corporate empire, nuclear and biological weapons that could decimate life on Earth — are all rooted in a single fallacious idea: separateness exists.
This foundational belief of the ego is now collapsing as the truth of our interbeingness becomes increasingly obvious, and we now have the opportunity to actively participate in an evolutionary leap of consciousness. This emerging unitive consciousness, sometimes called Christ consciousness, will inevitably manifest a different world, one that honors and depicts the reality of our Oneness.
Patricia Pearce was serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in her 20s with the Quichua Indians in the Andes of Ecuador when her life path turned towards the ministry, and she served as a pastor in Presbyterian and UCC congregations for 17 years — a vocation she loved deeply. But after the death of a close friend in 2001, she committed herself to explore deeper dimensions of her existence, and soon found herself in a vortex of dreams, synchronicities, energy releases, and insights that shattered her worldview, unveiled the unified Reality of all things, and exposed the illusory nature of the ego and the world it has created.
Faced with these discoveries, Patricia struggled to remain in a religious belief system that she realized had been shaped by the very ego consciousness Jesus had transcended and urged others to abandon. In 2010, Patricia left parish ministry to embark on a vocation of writing, speaking, and teaching. She has authored two books, No One in I Land: A Parable of Awakening, and her recently-released spiritual memoir Beyond Jesus: My Spiritual Odyssey, copies of which will be available for purchase and signing after the talk. For more information about Patricia, visit her website, www.patriciapearce.com.
Travel directions to Pendle Hill. Click to view the flyer.