April 2023

Francisco Burgos, Executive Director
I recently had the opportunity to accompany Arizona’s Half-Yearly Meeting as Friends were exploring the dynamic path of developing community through spiritual practice. It was very refreshing to gather in worship as we tried to be faithful to the Spirit, listen to and address the pressing needs of our time. I was moved by the power of a community growing deeper and stronger during our time together.
Developing community is an essential step for transformation which requires us to be open to others, with the conviction that the seed of goodness is in each heart. This can be challenging when differences of opinion, experience, or background pull us apart as we try to understand and address challenges as a community. As Quakers, we know how difficult it can be to engage in communal discernment; yet, we also experience how joyful and rewarding it is when we address our concerns and problems with unity. Deliberations of this type can create a strong sense of belonging and openness, incarnating the experience of being with the Divine – always expected and welcomed as we are. Building community in this way is what I usually refer to as the roots of hope taking action within us. These roots can grow into a hope that goes beyond our short sightedness, bringing new perspectives on how to live with integrity and solidarity as we build a better world.
I experience this hope in the potential of community in my service to Pendle Hill, as I and colleagues undertake the ministry of welcoming people, stewarding nature, creating space for learning, faithfulness, and deep transformation, and partnering with other organizations to work towards justice and peace. I know we are not alone in this sacred work of building community. I invite you to embrace hope as we continue supporting one another and as we dedicate our energy to transform and create a better world for all.