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Paint, Passion & Purpose

Jun 3-Sep 27, 2018

Featuring the work of: Kendra Biddick, Lisa BurgerLentz, Jennifer Croney Chernak, Carol Cober, Margo Lehman, Ruth Seeley, and Adele Wayman
Tree Rooms Gallery in Main House.

Reception: June 17th, 2-4pm

Free and open to the public!

This juried exhibit features the paintings of seven artists responding to the question: How does my passion fuel my creativity and my purpose?

Creating is a process of surrendering to the messages that come.” —Carol Cober

Holding others in the light is a deep and powerful way of living, parallel to my own spiritual practice of Buddhist meditation.” —Adele Wayman

Plein Air painting lets me experience the presence of the divine in nature.” —Jennifer Croney Chernak

When I am painting, I am at peace.” —Margo Lehman

I can’t imagine ever stopping learning and being excited by the infinite ways in which watercolor can be put on paper.” —Ruth Seeley

Travel directions to Pendle Hill. Click to view the flyer.

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31