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On-Campus Programming

Living the Spirit of Ubuntu: Responding with Hope to God’s Call to Cherish Creation and One Another

Aug 5, 2024
A First Monday Lecture with Robin Mohr of FWCC

  Robin Mohr, outgoing Executive Secretary of the Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas, will welcome Friends… Learn More

Pendle Hill Hub for FWCC World Plenary

Aug 5-11, 2024

This summer, Pendle Hill will be a hybrid hub for Friends during the World Plenary Meeting.  Friends are invited to book… Learn More

The Pendle Hill Chorus: O, Mystery! Music for the Soul

Sep 11, 2024
A non-audition community chorus. “We work hard and have a good time.”

O, Mystery! Music for the Soul The Pendle Hill Chorus invites new members for an exciting Fall season! Singing since… Learn More

Community Organizing Training with Spadework

Sep 18-19, 2024
A training workshop hosted by Spadework on Back to Basics: Base-Building. Developing Leadership. Organization as Spaces for Transformation.

This program is a collaboration between Pendle Hill and Spadework, a school for organizers to reverse the diminution of organizing… Learn More

Embracing Spiritual Gifts

Sep 20-22, 2024
A workshop to explore and nurture spiritual gifts with Adria Gulizia

If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, please wait to register and first complete our Financial Assistance… Learn More