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Friendly Forest

May 12 - Sep 5, 2019

An exhibit of Community Trees created by youth in grades K-6 from Friends Schools and Meetings
Tree Room Gallery. Free and open to the public!

Artist's Reception: May 12, 2019, 2-4pm.

Pictured: William Penn Charter Community Tree

Pendle Hill invites you to walk into the “Friendly Forest,” an exhibit in the Tree Room Gallery comprised of group projects crafted by artists in grades K through 6 on the theme of Community Trees. Youth were invited to create together a tree representing their Friends School or Friends Meeting community.

Gwynedd Friends FDS displaying their Community Tree image

Gwynedd Friends FDS displaying their Community Tree image

Visit this Friendly Forest of unique and imaginative Community Trees interpreting the following Quaker communities:

“Speaking Our Truth”
by Gwynned Friends Meeting’s First Day School

“Growing in Harmony”
by Penn Charter Second Grade

“Friendship Tree”
by Friends School Mullica Hill, Grades 1-4

“Growing Together in Love”
by West Chester Monthly Meeting’s First Day School

“Friends School of Wilmington Community Tree”
by Friends School of Wilmington

“Strong Friendships are Deep Rooted”
by Stratford Friends School, Grades 5 and 6

“Middletown Meeting, Langhorne’s 335th Anniversary Family Tree”
by Middletown Meeting, Langhorne

“Fallsington Tree”
by Fallsington Friends Meeting’s First Day School

artists at workStratford Friends School's Community Tree

Travel directions to Pendle Hill. Click to view the Fall 2018-Winter 2019 Arts and Spirituality Programs brochure. Click to view the flyer.

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31