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Transition in the City: The Transition Movement in the Mid-Atlantic Megacity Corridor

Mar 2, 2015

A talk and discussion with Pamela Boyce Simms
Free and open to the public!

7:30pm-9:00pm in the Barn

Since its inception in Britain in 2006, the Transition Town movement has grown phenomenally both abroad and in the United States. Responding to the twin challenges of peak oil and dramatic climate change, neighbors and friends are organizing, visioning, and moving at the grassroots local level to shift away from dependence on fossil fuels and towards a just, sustainable, resilient, locally-focused economic future for their communities.

How is the Transition movement developing in the densely populated Mid-Atlantic megalopolis corridor, which stretches from New York, Newark, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, and Washington, down to Richmond?

Catalysts for transition like Pamela Boyce Simms are helping to cultivate and support transition initiatives in this challenging region – neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city. Together Transitioners and Quaker Earthcare Eco-justice advocates are working to implement the Mid-Atlantic Transition Neighborhoods, bringing F/friends and neighbors together to discover and map “resilience assets” hidden in plain sight right in their neighborhoods as they visualize a more resilient future for their communities and consider ways to realize their vision.


Pamela Boyce Simms convenes the Mid-Atlantic Transition Hub (MATH), a consortium of engaged environmentalists that facilitates the collaboration of Transition resilience initiatives throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region. A change agent for over 25 years and a veteran of organizational development team building, Pamela is both an Eco-Buddhist and co-convener of the Earthcare Working Group of New York Yearly Meeting. She holds a BS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, a MA from L’Université de Dakar, Senegal, and is a Certified NLP Master Practitioner and a Certified Trainer for Transition US.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill.