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A Listening Place

April 2018

Executive Director Jen KarstenAs Executive Director, I often meet people who haven’t heard of Pendle Hill, and I struggle to describe us to them both briefly and accurately. (I can do one or the other pretty well.) For some, Pendle Hill is a place of rest and renewal, for others we provide stimulating dialogue or needed new practices, and for most there is something about being in community and extending our connections that appeals.

Perhaps most basically, Pendle Hill can be described as a Listening Place. Here, we listen for emerging truth in worship, we listen to the snap of twigs underfoot as we walk the trails with a new friend, we listen to the teachers from around the world who come to share thoughts and provoke new understanding… then, back in worship again, we can listen to our inner guides responding to the evolved ideas stemming from our extraordinary Pendle Hill experiences.

How would you describe Pendle Hill succinctly? We’d like to know. If you are so led, please e-mail me, Jen Karsten (, with your thoughts and help broaden the perspectives on Pendle Hill that we on staff can represent to the world in our everyday conversations. Thank you!


Jennifer Karsten,

Executive Director