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Fall 2024

Altered Books: Making Tangible Our Personal and Prophetic Narratives

Jul 14 - Sep 8, 2024
An online arts program with Jesse White.

If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, click to review and complete our Financial Assistance Application and… Learn More

Woodbrooke Seminar: Better Than Good

Sep 9, 2024
A participatory seminar through Woodbrooke Study Centre on Windy Cooler’s Pendle Hill First Monday Lecture, Better Than Good: Seven Testimonies for Quaker Caregiving, facilitated by Elize Sakamoto

Watch a Pendle Hill First Monday Lecture then join Windy Cooler in this seminar as she discusses her lecture “Better… Learn More

Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2024: Light Within and Light Without ~ The Personal and Political in the Formation of a Palestinian-American Quaker Identity

Sep 9, 2024
7:30pm-9:00pm Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Quakerism thrives as a practice that accentuates the individual spiritual experience and the communal life of the monthly meeting. Ongoing… Learn More

Community Organizing Training with Spadework

Sep 18-19, 2024
A training workshop hosted by Spadework on Back to Basics: Base-Building. Developing Leadership. Organization as Spaces for Transformation.

This program is a collaboration between Pendle Hill and Spadework, a school for organizers to reverse the diminution of organizing… Learn More

Embracing Spiritual Gifts

Sep 20-22, 2024
A workshop to explore and nurture spiritual gifts with Adria Gulizia

If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, please wait to register and first complete our Financial Assistance… Learn More