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On-Campus Programming

Embracing Spiritual Gifts

Sep 20-22, 2024
A workshop to explore and nurture spiritual gifts with Adria Gulizia

If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, please wait to register and first complete our Financial Assistance… Learn More

PYM Family Day at Pendle Hill

Sep 21, 2024
A day-long gathering welcoming families with children and youth to Pendle Hill! 

Save the date!  Get to know other families around the Yearly Meeting and enjoy beautiful Pendle Hill.   Programming will include… Learn More

‘Too Queer to Be Quaker:’ The Limits of Liberal Quaker Inclusion of Lesbian and Gay People during the Cold War and Today

Oct 7, 2024
A First Monday Lecture with Brian Blackmore

Before the gay rights movement gained momentum in the early 1960s, a few very small assemblies of Quakers publicly supported… Learn More

Friends’ Decision-Making and Clerking: Participating in Meetings for Business with Joy and Confidence

Nov 22-24, 2024
An on-campus weekend workshop with Steve Mohlke and ,O on liberatory clerking skills and principles

If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, please wait to register and first complete our Financial Assistance Application. A… Learn More