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Upcoming Events

“…a few exceptions…”: Philadelphia Quakers and the Civil War

Apr 29, 2019
A lecture by George Conyne, Kenneth Carroll Scholar

As Kenneth Carroll Scholar in Residence, George Conyne is doing research for a book about Quakers during and after the… Learn More

Peace Dwells Here: Artist’s Talk & Reception

Apr 30, 2019
Bronwen Mayer Henry

ARTIST’S STATEMENT: “When I paint trees something in me is quieted down, and I can hear a message about light… Learn More

Peace Dwells Here

Apr 27 - Jul 18, 2019
An exhibit of acrylic paintings by Bronwen Mayer Henry

ARTIST’S STATEMENT: “When I paint trees something in me is quieted down, and I can hear a message about light… Learn More

Let the Fire Burn

Apr 8, 2019
In partnership with Penn State Brandywine, a screening of Jason Osder’s documentary of the MOVE bombing with discussion led by Ulysses Slaughter and Dr. Pauline Thompson.

When the City of Philadelphia dropped a C4 bomb on a small city row home on May 13, 1985, the… Learn More

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