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S.T.O.R.Y. Poetry Coffeehouse: 01/08/17

Jan 8, 2017

Darius Lantz and Jesse White
Sundays, 2-4pm

$5, includes light refreshments.

Everyone has their own story. Come share yours through poetry! We will hold our final two Poetry open mic Coffeehouses with themes beginning with “R” (January 8th) and “Y” (February 5th). Themes for our next series of Poetry Coffeehouses will be announced in early February and will continue on March 12th and April 2nd. Come to share or just to listen. All are welcome.


Jesse WhiteJesse White is the Arts and Spirituality Coordinator at Pendle Hill. She holds a B.A. in Integrative Studies: Creative and Spiritual Process joined with a B.A. in Psychology from Guilford College. Jesse works as an arts educator and art therapist and directs Pigeon Arts, a cathartic art-making organization in Philadelphia. She is a member of Frankford Friends Meeting (PA).

Click to view the Winter-into-Spring 2017 Arts & Spirituality Bulletin.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill.