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Expressions of Peace: Envisioning a Just Community

Call for Submissions to a Juried Exhibit by Young Adult Friends*

How is Spirit moving in your life to create social justice and peace in yourself and the world? What does or would that movement look like if you were to express it in a two-dimensional artistic interpretation? How might your works of art speak to others about your emerging vision and actions towards creating a more just and peaceful world?

If these questions speak to you, we invite you to consider submitting photos of work you have created or will create in response to these queries for a juried exhibit by Young Adult Friends to be on display at Pendle Hill beginning next April.

  • * You are a visually creative Friend or active participant in a Quaker school, college, or organization;
  • You are about 17-35 years old; and
  • You have created or will create up to three pieces on the theme of Expressions of Peace: Envisioning a Just Community that are within the dimensions of 36”x36”x 2” and can be wired for hanging on the wall.

"Expressions of Peace" - Call for Submissions for a Juried Art Exhibit

What to submit:
Please send the following information by January 31, 2020 at midnight to Jesse White, Arts and Spirituality Coordinator, at

    1. 1-3 high-quality (at least 300-350 dpi) images of the pieces you wish to submit, with the file names indicating the title of the artwork AND your last name. For example, Jesse White might submit a file name “WHITE_Peace Crane.”;
    2. a list of titles of your submitted work, the final sizes of the pieces (including any frames), the mediums used, and the price of each piece that is for sale (include a 20% commission to Pendle Hill**) and a brief (100 words or less) statement about the meaning of each piece;
    3. A high-quality headshot;
    4. a 100-word bio that includes your connection to Quakerism.

** The 20% commission to Pendle Hill supports our galleries and the Arts and Spirituality Program.

Important Dates:

Friday, January 31, 2020, midnight Digital Submission deadline
Thursday, February 20, 2020, 5:00 p.m. Artists to be notified of which submissions accepted, and artist agreements sent
Monday, March 2, 2020, midnight Deadline to return signed artist agreement form
Saturday, April 25, 2020, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Drop off selected work to Tree Rooms Gallery in Main House
Sunday, April 26, 2020, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Free Exhibit Reception. Exhibiting artists invited to share a few remarks. Open to all.
Thursday, August 20, 2020, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Collect work from Tree Room Gallery

Travel directions to Pendle Hill. Click to view the flyer.