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Pendle Hill Campus Closed to Visitors Through March 30th

Pendle Hill Campus Closed to Visitors Through March 30th
Dear Pendle Hill Friends and Family,

How are you, dear friends? How fares truth and love with you during these challenging times?

Pendle Hill closed signWe are thinking of you as you care for your own health and the health of others. We join you in a concern about job loss, food security, and lack of health care by many across the country. We too are praying for friends and family who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are awaiting diagnosis. We are holding you in our heart as all of us learn how to continue building the Beloved Community in this critical moment.

At Pendle Hill, we are adapting to the quickly changing circumstances while striving to let Love be our guide. We have been implementing extra measures to maintain a healthy and welcoming environment in our campus, and last weekend we closed to visitors for at least two weeks following the governor of Pennsylvania’s request for all non-essential businesses to close. (Many groups and workshops had already cancelled.) On one hand, we are deeply concerned about the sudden loss of earned revenue which is essential to our annual budget; on the other hand, staff are stepping up to think of creative responses. Faced with the need for payroll cuts, staff united in the need for a “Voluntary Pay Reduction” survey so that senior management could understand the various degrees of financial need, responsibilities, and flexibility within the staff.

We feel connected to you, and we appreciate your support whether via prayer, donation, or joining us in worship.

In the middle of all of this, we are sitting with the question, “What is Pendle Hill’s ministry in this time of uncertainty and social distancing?” The answer is still unfolding, but today, we would like to share two opportunities with you.

"Living in Dark Times," by Rex Ambler (pamphlet cover)Please join us for worship, 8:30am-9:10am any morning. A handful of Pendle Hill residents gather each day in the Barn, continuing the 90-year-long tradition of daily worship. This week, we start an experiment of opening the circle of worship to YOU in your home. You can join us via Zoom by clicking here.

Also, this week, we commend to you Pendle Hill Pamphlet #447, Living in Dark Times, by Rex Ambler. If you don’t have it on your bookshelf, you can read it online until March 28 at no charge.

For me, my spiritual discipline this week is joy. This is an eternal joy that walks hand-in-hand with worry and compassion. The daffodils are still beautiful. Music is still inspiring. And in the stillness, I can still connect with my Guide, if only to sit together in the silence.

Bless us all,


Traci Hjelt Sullivan
Interim Executive Director

Join Worship Online or By Phone

Please join us in worship by Zoom, 8:30am – 9:10am Eastern Time, any morning.
Return here later today for tips for first-time Zoom users.

Join via computer.

If you join by phone, please mute your phone unless you have ministry
To join only via phone (without video):

+1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 432 071 090

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