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Welcome Susan Chast, Pendle Hill’s new Artist-in-Residence!

Susan Chast, Artist-in-Residence 2016Susan Chast is Pendle Hill’s first Minnie Jane Artist-in-Residence for 2016. We are delighted to have her here with us for the next eight weeks. She shares this:

“I write ceaselessly: a poem, journal entry, or blog post daily pour from my experience of theatre, teaching, faithfulness, and activism. God urges me to write, to use my particular skills in the service of love and justice. Since I left teaching three years ago, I have published two books: “re-Mothering” is a collection of my poems on spiritual nurture and “Taking a Walk with God combines my poetry with Jennifer Elam’s art on themes of mysticism. More poetry and an unfinished novel about a woman following her leadings bring me to Pendle Hill to center in Quaker study and practice. How beautiful to be part of all creation! How terrifying! And how necessary. I am swimming my way back from decades of deferred creative power to be present to God’s leading and creative collaboration.

You may be interested in reading more of my thoughts as I walk through this residency at”

Susan Chast, Artist-in-Residence