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Writing and Dancing Our Challenges and Our Joys

May 26, 2018

Jennifer Elam
9:30am - 4:00pm

$125, includes lunch.

** NB: No overnight accommodations accompany this reservation. **

Call Us for More Information!

610-566-4507, ext. 137

We will begin our day together with worship, asking the Divine and our Creative muses to use our hands and feet to take us to a deeper faith place. Many of us are particularly challenged in the current political climate and the intention of this workshop is to, in part, speak to find greater creative resilience. We will begin by making a small beautiful book in which to do our writings. Then, prompts will be given related to our current challenges and joys and we will write to these prompts in our handmade books. Throughout our time together we will move from the Five Rhythms sacred dance form (Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, and Stillness) and share our challenges and joys through movement. We will end the morning and afternoon sessions with a sharing circle, supporting one another in the work we are doing together.

No experience necessary or special abilities necessary.


Jennifer ElamJennifer Elam is a now retired psychologist, who authored Dancing with God Through the Storm (Pendle Hill pamphlet #344). She has been part of many dance groups and has led many Arts and Spirituality retreats over the past 20 years. Presently, in addition to writing and dancing, Jennifer sees her callings to be political action and settling the estates of her recently deceased parents. A Quaker now for 27 years, she has recently been attending Middletown Preparative Worship Group but remains a member of Berea Friends in KY. Her FCNL Advocacy Team is her most treasured Quaker connection at this time.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill. Click to view the Winter-Spring 2018 Arts and Spirituality Programs brochure. Click to view the flyer.