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Steve Smith explores the roots of Pendle Hill at the Bulkwang Forum, South Korea

In October 2013, former Pendle Hill Board member Steve Smith traveled to Korea and presented a talk on Pendle Hill,… Learn More

A Remarkable Collaboration: Dorothy Day Meets Fritz Eichenberg

Many useful and exciting meetings have taken place at Pendle Hill over the years. One occurred at a Pendle Hill… Learn More

Welcome to Meeting for Worship!

You are invited to join the Pendle Hill community for worship. Meeting for Worship takes place in the Barn from 8:30am… Learn More

Audio: Prophets and Nonprofits – Tending Quaker Seeds in Secular Soil (April 7, 2014)

Bill Graustein writes concerning his 2014 Stephen G. Cary presentation, “I try to make a practice of listening to and… Learn More